Have you encountered the error message “ You must specify a region ” when running AWS CLI commands? This error occurs when you haven’t configured a region for the AWS profile you’re using, or when you haven’t passed the –region parameter when running the command. In this post, we’ll discuss how to solve this error and properly set a region for your AWS CLI profile. Setting a Region for a Single Command To specify a region for a single command, you can pass the –region parameter followed by the desired region code: aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1 Setting a Region for All AWS CLI Commands To set a region that applies to all AWS CLI commands run by a specific profile, you can use the AWS configure set region command: aws configure set region us-east-1 --profile amplify-user-1 This command writes the specified region to the AWS config file, which is located at ~/.aws/config on Linux and macOS, and at C:\Users\USERNAME.aws\c...
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